Our biggest event of the year! 2015 Madison-Area Drive Electric Week Event on Sat., Sept. 19:
Want to learn more about hybrid and battery-powered vehicles or add your EV to those on display? Get your chance on Sat. Sept. 19 (9 am - Noon), in the 100 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard on the Lake Monona side of the Capitol Square. You’ll see a large variety of EVs, mopeds and motorcycles and get a chance to network with other EV owners. Vehicle display area is limited, so if you plan to bring your vehicle, please RSVP at https://driveelectricweek.org/event.php?eventid=333 so we can plan accordingly. Further instruction on displaying your vehicle will be emailed to those who RSVP. Please see the color event flyer at https://www.mge.com/Images/PDF/Brochures/community/NationalDriveElectric..., and share it with your friends and neighbors!